Demolition of 519 homes on Camberwell's Elmington estate began in 2008. The Elmington estate's 'regeneration' was part of the Council's 'Southwark Estates Initiative'. The estate was made up of 4 towers and 14 low-rise maisonette blocks. Although found to be structurally sound the estate was earmarked for redevelopment, including demolition, as part of a government-backed estate renewal strategy, which sought to create more ‘mixed communities’.
The first phase of redevelopment, completed in 2006, was managed by Southwark council directly and saw the construction of 136 new council homes. Phase 2 was completed in 2015, by Notting Hill housing assoction, which built 279 new homes of which 63 at affordable rent of up to 80% market rent. The final Phase 3, to be completed 2019, delivered by Bellway homes, is providing 144 new homes of which 57 at affordable rent of up to 65% market rent.
In summary 519 council homes demolished on the Elmington estate, with 136 replacement council homes (with another 120 homes at social/affordable rent) - a net loss of 383 council homes.