CIL exemption form says that the developer is Telford Homes (aka Higgins?) and HOusing association is Wandle.
Officers Report said application proposed 6 s/o and 4 social rented homes. But s106 says just 10 s/o homes?..
This is explained in the GLA report which says, despite Southwark's insistence that the development could provide more affordable housing, that the viability of the scheme means that only 10 S/O homes can be viably provided. It also says that the low affordable housing provision (5.9%) is justified because the development is cross-subsidising the free school.
The officers report also says that Council didn't agree the assumptions in the viability assessment..
Section 106 agreement says that the total contribution made towards new local transport infrastructure is £88,546.
Architect and planning agent is Rolfe Judd - also involved in Malt St development opposite (Berkeley) and Dashwood Studios Scheme (planning appeal) on Walworth rd.
Viability assessment prepared by 'Affordalbehousingsolutions.com'
MP Simon Hughes investigated for receiving donations from the developers and owners of the site 'Southwark Metals'.
Mr Hughes had attempted to arrange meetings with fellow MPs and councillors to discuss the "Rotherhithe New Road regeneration project", put forward by SCCD Developments – which owns Southwark Metals.
In January 2017, it was announced that the free school would not open because of a lack of pupils.
No viability review mechanism in the S106 agreement so what now?